Renzacci Dry Cleaning Machines
- Innovative computer touch screen “I-BRAIN”
Drum with the new “FLOWTECH” system to quickly extract the solvent for ultra-saving of energy and reduction of cycle times
- Oversized loading door, extra-large
- Innovative strengthened drying system, with thermo-delicate action “DRYCARE” with exclusive air re-circulation system with dynamic flow
- New “JET ENERGY DRIVE” still made of stainless steel with original thermic solvent recovery system and reduced energy consumption
- Totally enclosed system with highly efficient heat pump
- Ecological filtration system with double satellite converging rotation of the second generation with new “NO FLEX SYSTEM” ® mini-micron filter discs
- Three automatic self-cleaning tanks
- Button trap and air filter with special ECOVISION look-through covers for ecological inspection
- Fully made of stainless steel: drum, still, recovery, button trap, filters, separator
- Pre-set for connection with Multisorb® system
- And much more …